Mobile Library (Android Application)
An Android App that allows user to order, renew book, and manage borrowing record.
My duties include:
- Created an Android app from scratch. The app is now an extended structure in NTOU app, which has been downloaded more than 10000 times, rated 4.4 by about 300 users.
- Implemented representational state transfer API server that renews legacy web-based system of NTOU Library.
- Implemented JAVA user login, session in the Android app.
- Designed all user interfaces and user experience on Android devices.
- Followed software engineering methodology.
Mentor: Shang-Pin Ma
Partner: Amy Lee, Zhen-Jie Hong
Here are some screenshots from my Android device:
Before our project, a user can only use a browser in an Android device to access their account and the service.
We had highly improved user experience by our project: